Technical Education

Technical Programs

On-line training around the different disciplines related to RAMS Engineering and Railway Systems.

Integrate and develop new technical knowledge that will allow you to make a leap of relevance within a professional career. All our courses are designed to, taking into account the trends and needs of the sector, generate a relevant impact on the training Curriculum of our students.


Temporary load: 60 hours (divided into 5 Modules. The Course can take up to 6 months).

Price: Now € 399! On-line mode. All training content is accessible from the first day and for 6 months.

Enrollment: Continuous. There is no registration date. In 24 hours of the payment of the Course, the training can be started:

With this course you will learn ALL the basic concepts of RAMS Engineering

Degree: Optional. Course Certification Diploma is issued by email if the exams of each of the assessable modules are passed in 6 months.


Temporary load: 12 weeks (it is organized into 12 modules that can be developed at 1 module per week, although the master can be developed in up to 12 months).

Price: Now € 399! On-line mode. All training content is accessible from the first day and for 12 months.

Enrollment: Continuous. There is no registration date. Within 24 hours of payment of the Master's degree, training can be started:

With this master you will learn ALL the concepts of the world of railway signaling.

Degree: Optional. The Master's Certification Diploma is issued by email if the exams of each of the assessable modules are passed in 12 months.

Leedeo Academy, become my future my passion. Your talent deserves a place of merit in the rail industry.