Formative Blended Model

Our blended training model differentiates us and makes us interestingly useful. 50% Knowledge, 50% Know-how. Our model pursues 3 main objectives:

Objective #1. Transfer and contribute all the theoretical knowledge on the subject of the Master so that our students reach a level of knowledge above the average for the sector.

Objetive #2. Provide to our students tools and above all criteria, so that they know how to apply this theoretical knowledge in the practice of their profession. For instance,

  • If in a railway signaling system there are two main types of detection systems (track circuits and axle counters), when is it better to use one and when the other? and even more, when is it necessary to apply one instead of the other? What are the difficulties that we will find in the future in applying one or the other?  

Objetive #3. Contribution of non-academic information of value. We consider this type of "know-how" information as that which would not appear in any bibliography and which can only be accessed on the basis of professional development in the sector. For instance,

  • Who are the main manufacturers of a given railway technology? And of these, who is the leader and why is he different?
  • What is the approximate price of a railway product?
  • What are the main Independent Safety Assessors (RAMS Evaluators) in Spain?
  • How did the German Siemens decide to enter the High Speed business in Spain?

50% knowledge | 50% know-how

Years of experience in the sector and long practice, reflected in the most valuable training in the railway sector: useful and relevant training that does not appear in the books. 

Leedeo Engineering, become my future my passion. Your talent deserves a place of merit in the rail industry.